Adding numbers to your pages is no longer frustrating or time consuming. Any Admin/Yearbook Advisor who has access to the Yearbook Ladder can conveniently add numbers to their pages using simple or advanced options. Go to your account’s yearbook ladder to find the Page Numbering button to get started.
Turn on page numbering. After you activate the Page Numbering feature; there are two different tab options: Simple Page Numbering and Advanced Page Numbering. Let’s take a closer look at each tab and how it functions as it interacts with your yearbook ladder.
Simple Page Numbering
The Simple mode will add black page numbers starting at page 1 to the end of the yearbook, either on the outside corners or bottom center of your yearbook. You will see a preview of your current first page. Once you make your selection click the button, Save Changes.
Advanced Page Numbering
For more advanced options to adding numbers to your pages, you can specify the size, color, location and starting page number. Choose from the following options:
Page Numbering: click Page Numbering ON to activate Page Numbering
First Page Number: Choose the beginning number which will appear on your first page.
Font Type: You have 3 different common selections to choose from
- Arial
- Times New Roman
- Comic Sans MS
Font Size: Minimum point size is 8pt; Maximum point size 24pt
Select Page to Edit: You can choose to edit all pages or one in particular that needs a different color in order for the page number to be seen. You can also nudge the current default position of the page number horizontally and vertically.
Font Color: Choose a color to make the number visible against the page
- Black
- White
- Red
- Green
- Blue
Page Numbering Position: Change the position in which the page number appears
- Center
- Outside
Horizontal Position: Slightly, nudge your page numbers horizontally
- More Left
- Left
- Normal (Default)
- Right
- More Right
Vertical Position: Slightly, nudge your page numbers vertically
- Highest
- Higher
- Normal (Default)
- Lower
- Lowest
Note: The options to change the Horizontal and Vertical positions only become active when editing a single page.
After customizing your page numbers and saving your changes, you can return to the page ladder by clicking the button; Back To Ladder. Click on a page from the ladder for a quick preview of how your page number will appear. Note: Your page numbers can only be viewed from the Yearbook Ladder. If you are using the EDOnline software you will not be able to preview the page numbers. Page Numbering is a separate feature from the EDOnline page designer.
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