Setting Up Online Sales

Our link stores are a easy way for your school community to easily purchase a yearbook. Here is how you can set up your very own store: 1. Go to the ‘Manage’ tab on your top menu bar, and click ‘Manage Yearbook Sales’: 2. Under ‘Manage Yearbooks Sales,’ Click on […]

Supported File Types

Below is a list of file types we support through our uploader: Photo files: Video files: Index files: NOTE – PDFs, videos, and index files can be uploaded from the Manage Uploads page under the Manage tab or the Upload Pages and Other Content page under the Upload tab. For more […]

Adding Staff and Users On the Website

If you plan on having multiple people work on your yearbook project, you are going to want to add them to your account so they can login with their own username and password. Follow these instruction to learn how. 1. Go to the Manage Staff/Users Tab on the right hand […]

Homepage and Tab Navigation

Getting Started with EDOnline At the top of your screen you will see 3 getting started. These buttons are going to be the most useful to you when creating your yearbook project Uploading Photos: Click on the ‘Upload Photos’ button to begin uploading photos to your yearbook. To learn more […]

Upload Other Content (like PDF’s)

Upload your files that are required for the yearbook project. Along with photos you can upload other content such as PDFs, documents and videos. If you have multiple files over 50mb and your internet connection isn’t strong then you may want to use our HighTail dropbox. (Note: Only PDF’s can be […]

Moving Pages

You’ve completed personalizing some or all of your pages, but you’re not satisfied with the location of the page.  You can either use our simple or advanced page moves features. (NOTE: this feature can only be used by staff members with Administrator status). When moving pages you should plan and think […]

Uploading Photos

There are 3 different ways and locations to which you, your staff, and community can upload photos to different categories. Be advised you will only be able to upload photos that have a file type of .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. (Note: Uploading content that is unsupported by our site may result […]