Arranging and Resizing Elements

Arranging elements on the page will be done using primarily the Selection Tool, and the Multi-Selection Tool.  The Selection Tool looks like a mouse pointer, and the Multi-Selection Tool looks like a mouse pointer with a plus sign next to it. You can change your cursor types by right clicking on your page

How to Resize Elements

  • Click on an element such as a shape, picture box or text box.
  • By clicking on the box with the Selection Tool, which appears as your normal mouse, it will make a series of blue dots around the object. 
  • Click and drag these to resize the image as shown below. 
  • To move an object, hover over the center of the object until a hand appears. 
  • Next, click on the object and drag it around the page as shown below. 
  • The image also has a rotation handle as shown below, you can click and drag this around clockwise or counterclockwise to rotate the image. 
  • The image has a swap handle as shown below, you can click this icon and drag the photo to another frame on the page swapping the photos in the respective frames. 

Arrange Tools:   This feature is available from the top tool bar as well as when you right click on an object. 

  • Bring To Front – Will arrange the element to the front of the page.
  • Move Up – Will move an element forward on the page. 
  • Move Down – Sends an element backwards once on the page.
  • Send To Back – Sends an element to the back of the page. 

To use any of these options, first select the element you’d like to arrange. Then either right click or click the button from the tool bar at the top of your screen, select which option you would like. In this case, we’ll select “Send to Back”. 

 Then watch as the object changes arrangement. In this case, it shows the photo box behind all other content placed on the page. 

  This can be used for any photo, pdf, shape, text box, clip art, template, or qr code. Backgrounds appear in a separate layer that we access through the Background Layer button.  

Align and Distribute Tools: These tools can also aid in arranging your elements on your page by lining them up left, center right, top or bottom.  Using the multiple selection tool you can select more than one element to begin arranging your page content. 

 Here is an example of a page before utilizing the align and distribute options. 

 To utilize the align and distribute buttons correctly, first select all objects you’d like to include. You can do so by clicking the Multi cursor type available when right clicking on a page, then drag over the objects you’d like to select on the page. Doing so should highlight around all of those objects. You can also do so by clicking on one object, then holding the Shift key on your keyboard as you click each element you’d like to include. You’d stop holding the Shift key once all items are selected. Once all are selected, click the align or distribute buttons, depending on the action you’d like to take. Below are examples of each option using the example shown above. 

  •  Align Left – Moves all objects so that each left edge of an object is on the same line as the first object at the top of the selection, in this example the maroon triangle is the first object.
  • Align Horizontally – Moves all objects so that the center of vertical center of each object matches up, forming a line in which the objects match up horizontally.
  • Align Right – Moves all objects so that the right edge of each object matches up with the right edge of the top object.
  • Align Top – Moves all objects so that the top edge of each object matches up to the top edge of the first object.
  • Align Vertically – Moves all objects so that the horizontal center of each object lines up with the horizontal center of the first object, thus making all objects vertically aligned together.
  • Align Bottom – Move all objects so that the bottom edge of each object matches up with the bottom edge of the first object.
  • Distribute Left – Moves all objects so that the left edge of each object is spaced evenly from one another on the horizontal plane.
  • Distribute Horizontally – Moves all objects so that the vertical center of each object is spaced evenly from one another on the horizontal plane.
  • Distribute Right – Moves all objects so that the right edge of each object is spaced evenly from one another on the horizontal plane.
  • Distribute Top – Moves all objects so that the top edge of each object is spaced evenly between each object.
  • Distribute Vertically – Moves all objects so that the horizontal center of each object is spaced evenly between each object.
  • Distribute Bottom – Moves all objects so that the bottom edge of the objects is spaced evenly.

NOTE! – Each of these methods may take some trial and error to get exactly the way you want them to look. Just remember that each method focuses on the first object in the top left of your selection. The distribute methods may also benefit from the use of the GRID button under the View tab at the top of the page. Distribute methods also will consider the size of the box that shows when you have all objects selected. So if the box was 4 inches tall and 2 inches wide, and there were 4 objects in the box, using the Distribute Bottom button would mean that each object’s bottom edge would be about 1 inch apart. Using the Distribute Right button would mean that each object’s right edge would be about 2 inches wide. 

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