Align Your Photos in a Grid with our Auto Grid Feature
Ensure that your frames are lined up more quickly and easily by using the Auto Grid feature. For those who want to create student templates this would be the ideal tool to utilize. Follow these steps to create your customized grid.
Adding Auto Grid to Your Page
From the page designer click on the “Auto Grid” button located in the “Insert Items” menu options.
A popup menu will appear with default settings that you can edit when creating your grid.
You can edit the following fields:
Photos Across
Photos Down
Horizontal Spacing
Vertical Spacing
Top Margin
Right Margin
Bottom Margin
Left Margin
You can also choose to add text boxes below your photos or on the side. Make your choice from the following drop down menu options:
Text Boxes:(How you would like your text boxes to appear on your grid.) – Under Photo
– Left Column
– Right Column
You can also choose the shape of your photos by choosing and option from the drop down menu Photo Shape.
Photo Shape:(How you would like your picture boxes to appear on your grid.)
– Rectangle
– Rounded
– Oval
Below the settings you will see a preview of your grid which will update as you edit your settings.
Once you are satisfied with your grid settings click the button to “Build on Left” or “Build on Right” of your pages. If you have over 50 frames per page, please give the template a few minutes to generate.

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