You may decide you would like to review the content you’ve added to the book so far, but you don’t have a need for a proof book. We do have an available option to generate a PDF Preview of your entire book as it currently looks.
To do so, navigate to the Manage Ladder page of your yearbook project. Click the red Preview Book button.
From the page you’re taken to, you’ll notice a flip-book preview of the book. Scrolling further down the page, there will be a section to generate the PDF. You’ll enter your email address and click the Generate PDF Preview button.
The process of generating the PDF may take 5-10 minutes. Within that time, you’ll receive an email providing a link to the PDF, which you can then print and view as you like.
If you ever lose track of this PDF, you can navigate back to the Book Preview page, where a link to view the PDF generated previously will be available, as well as the same ability to send another email with the latest page updates.
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