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Getting Started with EDOnline

At the top of your screen you will see 3 getting started. These buttons are going to be the most useful to you when creating your yearbook project

  1. Uploading Photos: Click on the ‘Upload Photos’ button to begin uploading photos to your yearbook. To learn more about uploading photos, click here.
  2. View Deadlines: Under manage deadlines you have a few key deadlines that you have to keep in mind, Like when your first deposit is due, your first and second submission deadline, and your final deadline. These deadlines are estimates, and if you think you need more time on any of them you can certainly call your Account Manager and request an extension. Click here for more information about your deadlines
  3. Design Pages: Clicking on page design will bring you into our EDO Designer. You can start building your yearbook from here. Click here for more information about designing a page.

These icons will change as you continue working on your yearbook. For example, once you are close to submitting for production, Design page will change to Submit for Production, and View Deadlines will change to Enter the Yearbook Contest once you submitted for final production.


The newsfeed is a quick reference to what has been going on in your account, as well as whats been going on at Entourage. You can see who is uploading photos, downloading photos, and view announcements from us about new features and any changes in our company.


LINK! Is a site that links your school community to your yearbook project. You can sell your yearbook on link, sell ads using our ad designer, have people upload photos, or turn on the download capability for the LINK! mobile app. To learn more about LINK!, Click here.

Navigating Through Your Yearbook

Manage Tab

 This tab allows you to manage your account in various ways. You can edit your book specs and account information, setup your staff members and their permissions as well as their yearbook tasks, manage your pages in your yearbook ladder, and anything that has been uploaded for you to use in the building of your book.

Upload Tab

This tab allows you to upload photos, pages, and other content. If you choose to design a page on your own software, the “upload pages” feature allows you to upload the page as a PDF to place on the page designer. You can also send files through Hightail to your account managers. Hightail is a Dropbox type software.

Collaborate Tab
This tab allows users to explore templates, our gallery of yearbooks, view your past saved yearbooks to use for future books, read customer testimonials, view past yearbook contest winners and pre-designed covers.  Share templates you created, enter into this year’s yearbook contest, tell a friend about us as your favorite yearbook design company or connect with students and your community.  You can also help your staff to become certified in designing yearbooks with our online curriculum.  There is also a chat feature available, so you can chat with people who are also working on the yearbook. Use our new Inspire section for inspiration!  We have contests you can enter, cool links to visit, and many more exciting tools to help you think creatively. 

Design Tab

This tab allows you to design your yearbook cover, pages, people pages, and if you have any upgrades such as printed endsheets or inside printing. You can also create your yearbook index through the Design Tab. 

Help Tab 

This tab allows you instant access to extra support from our technical staff. You can access software and yearbook guides, video tutorials, sign up for online webinar training, and contact our support directly via Live Chat, phone or email.

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