Uploading Photos

There are 3 different ways and locations to which you, your staff, and community can upload photos to different categories. Be advised you will only be able to upload photos that have a file type of .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. (Note: Uploading content that is unsupported by our site may result in corrupted files.) Follow these steps to successfully upload and manage your photos. 

  • Click the “Upload Photos” option from the “Upload” tab drop down menu. You may also click the “Manage” tab, select “Manage Photos” and click the “Upload New Photos” button. A pop up will appear.
  • Choose the category you wish to upload your photos to by clicking on the “— Select Category —“ drop down menu. If you don’t have any categories you may need to click the “+Category” button.
  • From the folder containing your picture files, simply select the photos that you wish to upload then drag and drop them into the uploader where it says “Drag Photos Here“. You may also select your files by clicking on the “Browse” button. (Note: The Drag Photos Here area is grayed out and won’t work unless there is a category selected.)
  • You can select multiple photos and upload them at the same time. The pictures will automatically upload once dragged/selected! (Note: It’s best to store your photos in a familiar location on your computer.) You can see a green check mark on the side of each photo when the upload is successful.
  • Once your files have completed the upload process, you will be able to preview your photos in the background
  • You can click on the “X” on the upper right corner of the uploader to close it when you’re done.
Photo Uploader

Upload Using EDOnline Page Designer  

For Users who are creating their pages using the software “EDOnline” you have the option to upload photos directly from the page designer. (Note: You must be working on a page within the designer in order to access this function.)

  1. Click on the Camera icon that has the word “Photo” under it.
  2. Click the “Upload Photos” button.
  3. Select the category to where you want your photos to upload.
  4. Click “Select Files” to browse your computer for the photos you wish to upload.
  5. Once you have selected your photos, click “Start Upload”.
Click on “Upload”

 Need to create a new photo category? That’s no problem at all. You can also create a new photo category in the same location as you upload photos. Below your categories click “Create New Photo Category.” Follow the steps and enter in the information to create your new photo category.   

You can organize your photos by category and search by the following filters:

  • File Name
  • Photo Caption
  • Photo Tag
  • Photo Status
  • Liked Status
  • Uploaded By
  • Order By

Select a category of uploaded photos to view the different options of organization.

  • Select All – This option selects all the photos within a category.
  • Move Selected Photos – Select 1 or more photos to move to a different category. Check the photos to be moved and click “Move Photos.” Select the category the photos will be moved to and click “Move.”
  • Delete Photos – Choose the photos that you wish to discard and click “Delete Photos.”
  • Edit Category – You have a category that you wish to rename. Select the category and click “Edit Category” to rename it. Once you are satisfied with your new category name click “Done.”
  • Delete Category – Select the category that you no longer wish to keep and click “Delete Category.” (WARNING: Once you delete a category with its contents there’s no way to retrieve those photos again so be sure this is what you want to do.)
  • Tag Photo – Add Photo Tags to pictures.
  • Add Photo Captions – Administrators can allow users to view and/or change the captions for each photo uploaded by them and other users.
  • Rotate Photos – This function allows you to rotate your photos left or right. 
  • Email Photos – For your created categories a link has been created that you can share with others. Click the Email Photos button to locate your links.
  • Import Previous Years Photos – With this newest feature users that have had previous accounts with us can retrieve their past project photos.  
  • Upload via Instagram – Import your photos from your Instagram account to be used in the yearbook.
  • Upload via Facebook – Import your photos from your Facebook account to be used in the yearbook.
  • Upload via Dropbox – Import your photos from your Dropbox account.
  • Upload via Google Drive – Import your photos from your Google Drive account.

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