How to Create your People Pages

Flow your students easily, without placing them one by one.

People page technology can be used to quickly create the student pages in your yearbook project. With our new people page technology, it is easier than ever to flow your students to templates that you have designed on your pages! Read this article for a detailed, step-by-step process on how to make a people page template.

Start Uploading Your Photos and Index: Step 1 (Manage)

To use people pages, you must acquire a student index and photos from your school photographer. Most photographers send you this information when they send you the student portraits. Your index has to be saved in a .txt, .csv, or .tsv format to be compatible with our system. For more information about what a proper index file looks like, click here.

Save all student photos and index files on your computer where you can easily find them. Make sure they are labeled properly so that you can refer back to them. When you open the folder, you will see all your .jpg photo files and a .txt file. The .jpg photo files are the actual photos of your students. The .txt file is the index of all the students. If you open your .txt file in excel, it will look something like this:

Index Inside Excel

It is very important to note that each set of information is separated into a different column. If all your information exists in the same column, you will not be able to successfully upload you people page index.

Begin uploading your photos and information by going to the EDOnline Designer. Click on the People tab on the top tool bar, and go to Make People Pages from the drop down list that appears.

Make people pages

Go to the tab labeled Step 1: Manage Data. Click on the button at the top of the tab that reads Upload Photos and Student Index.

Manage Data and upload Student photos and index.

Next, you will have to select a photo category to upload the portraits into. Select the existing category you would like to upload photos to, or if you do not have any categories in your account, photos will be automatically uploaded to the “People Page Photos” category.

People Page Photo Categories

Scroll down to the People Page file uploader, as shown below.

People Page Uploader

To upload, click on the orange Browse button to open your computer’s file explorer. Search for and open the folder with your photos and index that were saved onto your computer. You can click “Control + A” on your keyboard to select all the files in this folder. You can also drag and drop photos into the uploader screen to upload them.

Make sure you only upload the index files you would like to sync. A photo company might send you multiple files, but the MASTER.txt file will include all the information for everyone at the school. Uploading multiple indexes may create duplicate entries of people. Also, be sure to open the folder and select the images you would like to upload, as uploading the actual folder will not work.

Once you select all the photos you would like to upload, click Open. You will see that the photos will start to import under the uploader. Your index will be uploaded last.

photos uploading

Once you get to your index, a screen will pop up that says Confirm your data headers. This is where you will need to identify each column in your index, so our system can flow your students accurately.

To fill out the data headers, click on the drop down arrows in the blank field above each column. If you have fields that are auto filled, but need to be changed, you can change them by also clicking the drop down arrow.

The fields you will need to identify are: Photo File (####.jpg), First Name, Last name, and either grade, class, or teacher. Some indexes, like the one in the example shown above, might have a column for grades and teachers. In this case you can identify both the teacher and the grade, but only one is required. Identify the columns of information that you will use to sort your students into groups for placement on pages in your yearbook.

Once all the headers are filled out correctly, click the green Confirm button in the upper right corner.

Correct headers

You will see that the student photos have merged with their names. If you notice your kids have no names, or no photos, click here for troubleshooting instructions.

photo success uploading

If you notice that a person’s name is misspelled, or you need to change the photo, click on the photo. The Person Details will appear. You can change the name, grade, teacher, and even the photo of the student. Make sure to click save once you make changes!

Edit Person Details

Design Your Page: Step 2 (Templates)

When it comes to designing a template for your yearbook, there are may different options. You may want to design templates yourself from scratch. If you want to do this, make sure you start with Auto Grid. All custom designed templates must have the photo frames populated through Auto Grid, or your people pages wont flow. For more information on how to use Auto Grid, click here. You are more than welcome to rearrange the photo frames populated by Auto Grid, and customize your templates with backgrounds and text.

Auto Grid

If you are not looking to design your own template, you can find our library of existing people page templates by clicking on the Template button in the left toolbar of the page designer under the People Page category.

Template Button

Pick any template you like from this category; it will be set up to flow correctly with your student data. Any template with People in the title will work as a people page!

People Pages Cat

You can also browse our templates in Step 2: Templates of the people page manager. You can filter the templates by type, people per page, teacher field, and by the type of corners the photo frames have.

Once you have chosen a template you like, click on either the Build on Left Page, or Build on Right Page buttons, depending on the side of the page you would like to have the template appear.

Build on Left or Right

Once you have clicked on either the Build on Left Page, or Build on Right Page buttons, a pop up will appear. You can either choose to go Back to Templates so that you can flow more templates or try a different template on your page, or you can Continue to Flow, which will bring you to the next step to flow students into the template.

More Templates or Flow

Flow Your Students to Your Templates: Step 3 (Flow)

Once your student data is uploaded and your templates are placed on the page, it is time for you to flow, or place, your students onto your pages.

Go to the People tab at the top of your page. Select Flow People from the drop down menu that appears.

Flow People Button

Select who you would like to flow to the page. From the drop down, select if you would like to organize your groups by grade, class, or teacher.

Select Group

Once you select how you would like to flow your groups, click the desired grade/teacher/class from the left menu. Once selected, you will see the students in this group generate on the right side of the window.

Click Group

Now choose if you would like to flow your group on the left page or the right page by clicking the blue buttons under your student photos. The pictures will automatically flow in alphabetical order, and fill as many frames as there are in your template.

Flow Left/right

For this example, Flow Left Page was selected. Once your students are done flowing you will see that they appeared on the left page.

Flown Template

To go back and flow on the right page, go back to Flow People from the People drop down in the top toolbar, and flow the rest of your class to the right page. You will notice that the first 20 students have a slight gray overlay on them. This is to indicate that they have already been flowed on to a page in your yearbook.

Used Students

If you would like to use the same template for the rest of your class, you can choose to flow on multiple pages. You must have at least 1 page of students in this group flowed to use this feature. Please note that this will automatically use the LAST template you used to flow students. If you would like your students to have a different template on other pages, you have to open that page, place the template you would like to use and flow students to that page as described in the steps above.


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