Pre-Flight Warnings- Why do I see warnings when I try to save my page?

While designing your book, you may run into certain warnings when you attempt to save your page. If left unchecked, these warnings will also appear as you approve your page content in the Final Approval process. Some of these warnings, if not all, can make a difference in the quality of your yearbook. Here’s an explanation of some of the warnings you may see:

Low Resolution Images:

A low resolution warning will appear when your photo is smaller than 120 DPI (dots per inch). We give this warning because an image that is less than 120 DPI will most likely print out blurry.

To view the exact image with this warning, click on the warning text itself from the pop-up that appears before letting you save the page. This will make the pop-up disappear, and the image with the warning will be selected.

 A quick fix is to make the image smaller by dragging the corners in. By make the image smaller, you’re increasing the DPI of the image. You can also try uploading a larger version of the file. You’ll make to pay close attention to the dimensions of the image, which you can from your computer by right-clicking on the image and selecting the Properties option(if you’re using an Apple computer, you’ll click the Get Info option). The resolution will be listed under the Details tab of the Properties window. A good resolution size for a single page-sized image is would be 2000×3000.  

 You can also check the DPI of an image in our designer by first clicking on the image, then double-clicking the Photo Settings tab on the right hand side of the page.

Once you open Photo Settings, you will see in the bottom right hand corner the DPI reading of an image, as shown below. This number will increase as you make an image smaller and the pixels come closer together, and will decrease as you make an image larger and spread the pixels further apart.

Text in Overflow:

When you see a text in overflow warning, some of the text in a text box is getting cut off from view. Fixing this is easy, you just have to click on the “text in over flow” warning on the Document Warnings screen, and the text box that has the issue will automatically be selected on the page.

Dragging the corner of the text box outward to make room for all of the text will resolve the warning. You may also make the font size smaller, though any font smaller than 8 point will be hard to read in print.

Fit To Frame:

This warning will appear when the frame around a photo is cutting off part of this picture, or there is space between the edge of the picture and a side of the frame. To fix this issue you can select the warning form the Documents Warnings menu, and the photo with the warning will be selected. Then double-click on the Photo Settings tab on the right hand side of the page.

Once you have opened these settings. you will see your photo appear as a preview in this panel. There will be an option to change the Fit. Make sure the Fit is set to manual. Once the Fit is set to manual, you may adjust the photo by clicking and dragging with your cursor in this preview panel until it fits without any part of the photo getting cut off by the frame.

Pre- Flight Warnings while Working in the Designer

While working in the designer, you might notice that some of your photos or text boxes have a yellow triangle in the bottom right hand corner as shown below.

This is an example of a pre-flight warning in the designer. Use the methods outlined in this email to resolve these issues.

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