Saving a Page as a Template, Accessing Last Years Pages & Templates

If you created a page that you want to use multiple times in your yearbook project, you can save that page as a template so you don’t have to go back and recreate the page. In this article we will go over how to save your page as a template, how to edit your template, how to access last years templates and how to access last years pages.

Create a Template:

Open a page in the EDO designer and design your first template. You can edit one of our pre-designed templates, or start from scratch. When you are done, click the green save button.

Once your page is saved, click on the green drop down arrow next to the save button, and click on save as template:

Once you select save as template you will be brought to this screen:

Fill out the template type, pages, and template name :

Template types: a standard template is just your basic, editable template. Keep all your templates as a standard template if you want to be able to make edits to it in the feature. Master templates are templates that can not be edited in the future. This is good for use of folios in your book. People Page templates, if built correctly, can be used with an PSPA index to flow your student data to that page.

Pages: Select the page you would like to save as a template, you can select either the right page, the left page, or save both as a spread.

Template Name : Please name your template something in order for the template to save correctly.

Once you have filled all the fields out, click the green save as template button.

To find your newly saved template, go to the template button on the left side of you screen

From the list of categories listed, you are going to want to click on Custom Templates

The screen that appears with a list of you custom templates is your custom template menu. Note: your most recent templates will appear at the bottom

Click on your new template from the list, and it will become your cursor. Click on a blank 2 page spread and it will place on the page. You can either have it place On Top of the content already on the page, or Replace the content on the page

Editing Your Saved Template:

To edit your custom templates, go to your custom template menu and  hover your mouse over a template you wish to edit. In the right hand corner an edit button should appear.

When you click on edit, you will be brought into the template designer. Make your desired changes to your template here. You will know you are in the template designer because you will see a pop up in the right hand corner that reads template designer. To leave the template editor click click here to exit:

Make sure you save everything before you exit!

Accessing last years templates:

If you made a template last year, and you would like to use it again this year, you can access those template by going to the template button in the designer, and selecting the green previous custom templates button:

Use the drop down menu to select what previous years book you would like to import templates from:

Select the template you would like to use and insert it on the page. Everything on the template will still be editable even though you used the template last year, so you can change it around to fit this years needs!

Accessing last years pages:

If you would like to use a whole page from a previous year, click on the template button from inside the designer. When the template menu pops up, in the upper right hand corner of the screen there will be a blue button that reads other book pages, click on that.

Select which book you would like to import pages from:

Once you have selected the book you would like to work from, a list of all the pages will appear below, click on the page you would like to import into your yearbook. The page will become your cursor, click on the page you are working on and it will place either on top of your page or it will replace the content. This page will be fully editable once it is placed on the page. Make sure to save your work!

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