Text in your Yearbook

Adding text to your page is amazingly simple in the EDO designer. In this help page we will go over how to add a text box to your page, and the different ways you can edit your text, text warping and text in overflow warnings

How to Insert Text:

Open a page in the EDO designer. For more info on how to open a page, click here. Click “Insert Text” button that looks like a “T” from the Insert Menu:

Upon opening the text menu, you will see 3 default text styles. Default body text is a 16 pt. Arial font. We suggest using this for body copy in your yearbook. Default headline text is a 52 pt. Arial font. We suggest using this for any headlines on your page. Default caption text is a 12 pt. Arial Italic font. We suggest using this for captions under photos. Once the text box is on the page you can edit it. Click on one of the default font options, it will highlight green once it is selected:

After clicking on one of the default font options, your cursor will turn into a green T, click anywhere on your page. This will insert a text box onto the page.

You can also insert a text box by clicking the green insert text box button at the top of the text menu.

To type in the text box, double click on it, you should see a text cursor appear. Start typing anything you want:

Editing text

Once you have successfully placed a text box on your page, you will see a text toolbar editor appear at the top of your screen:

Using the text toolbar editor, you can change many different things about the text on your page. One thing you might want to change is the font: click on the left most box on this toolbar, which will be titled with the font name:

After clicking on the font box, you should see a new menu appear with all your font options. Scroll through the options and select the font you would like to use:

Depending on the font, you can bold it, italicize it, or underline it. Note: these options might not be available for all fonts form this list.

If you need to change the font size, you can do that in the font size menu:

Type in the font size you would like to work with, or use the arrows on the right side to increase or decrease the font size.

To change the font color, click on the A from the text tool bar. Once you click on it, a list of color options will appear. Select the color you would like to use:

To change the alignment of the frames, select an alignment from the available alignment options. You can align your font from the left, right, center or justify it to the size of your text box:

If your page starts becoming busy with a lot of design elements, it might become hard to edit the text on your page directly on the page. Going into text edit mode will isolate your text so that you can focus on directly editing that.

A text box in text edit mode

Once you’ve made all the changes to your text box, you might want to save all the changes you made to it so you don’t have to keep making the same edits to all your text boxes. You can do this by selecting save text styles from the font menu:

All your text styles will appear on the text menu on the left hand side of your screen:

You can also create a new text style directly by clicking the new text style button

Using text wrap

To wrap your text around an element on your page, you will have to use the text wrap feature. To apply a text wrap, click on the object you would like your text to wrap around. This is usually a image or shape. Then, go to the frame tab on the top tool bar. Select the wrap text option.

You will see a VERY light gray box appear around your object. This is how you know that the object has a text wrap applied to it

Place a text box on the page, once you start typing, your text should wrap around the image:

Text in overflow warning

If you see a yellow exclamation mark in the bottom right hand corner of your text box, this means the text you are trying to add is more than the size of the box will allow. Fix this by either expanding the size of the text box, or changing the size of the font. For more info on this pre-flight warning, click here.

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